Hey hola hi!
Saying Good-bye to the Jasso Family
So my new area is called Galena Park! And I am in a trio with Hermanas Johnson and Bonar. I started my mission in a trio and now I'm ending my mission in a trio cool right? So Galena Park is really close to my last area Channelview. I actually get to see everyone in my old area every Sunday because we share the same building for church and we combine for 1st hour which is gospel principles. So after all the dramatic goodbyes this past week I just got to see everyone again Sunday! haha it was really nice.
Hermanas Johnson and Bonar are so awesome. Hermana Johnson is leading the area out and just got done with being trained and Hermana Bonar just left her birth area (which is Port Arthur just like me whooo). Also something cool is that Hermana Johnson was only baptized almost 2 years ago. Her conversion story is really cool too. I'll have to tell it to you when I get home. She has such a strong testimony and is the only member in her family as of late.
This area is known to be one of the harder areas of the mission. It is SO tiny literally like 5 blocks. We ride our bikes almost all day which is super fun. Also the ward has been falling apart a little bit over the years so it's trying to build back up right now. I am really excited to be working here in Galena Park and I see so much potential in this little place. We met this 26 year old guy walking down the street the other day named Bernabe. He was in prison for about 7 years and has been out for about 3 years now. We went back over and taught him the restoration and it was incredible. He is so prepared. I have already learned so much from him. He is just so anxious to change and live the way he knows he should. It was a miracle.
I love you all so much and I am so happy to be a missionary here in Galena Park for my last transfer!!
Con Amor,
Hermana San Juan
We did a stand at one of the tiny stores by our house!
How fun to be on bikes! I hope you love this area and can go out with a bang!!