Hola familia y amigos!
Hermana Andrus and Hermana San Juan
Teaching a skeleton about the Plan of Salvation
Jr. Martinez and Katelyn
JR! It was so hard to say bye to the Martinez family. I will see them again soon though :)
What a great week. Seriously a good one. But I also have sad news. I am being transferred out of Channelview for my last transfer! It was a very big surprise to me, I was not expecting to leave at all, I thought for sure that I would end my mission here. But I know it will be okay because I know that God has better plans for me than I do for myself. I'm still sad to leave but the knowledge that this mission is for God and not me makes it easier. I'm leaving my hija Hermana Andrus! I am going to miss her but she is an amazing missionary and is going to do so good. Channelview is so lucky to have her.
Jaime and Katelyn at the Temple
So the highlight of this week for me was Saturday because we went to the temple with Jaime! It was my first time going with a recent convert so it was a special experience. He LOVED it. He kept telling us that he thinks it has to be what heaven is like. I agree. I thought back to the day that Hermana Williams and I met him just about 4 months ago. Smoking on his porch, very depressed. It's amazing to me to see how far he has come. He truly is a miracle.
Also we got to see Meet the Mormons this week! SO GOOD. You all have to go and see it. It's very inspirational. In the movie the humanitarian said, "I'm not perfect but I'm perfect at trying." I loved that.
I am doing really well! I can't believe I am starting my last transfer..this is not real life. Everything is just happening so fast. I am excited to work hard these last 6 weeks in my new area! Being a missionary is the best thing ever. Also it makes me really happy to think that Spencer is out doing the same things that I am. I think about that sometimes and it just makes me smile.I love you all so much. Thank you for all your support and love. Your prayers are felt!
Love,Hermana San Juan
Can you see it? We find Lizzards everywhere!
I love it all. And we liked "Meet the Mormons" a lot too. I hope there are some that watch it and it peaks their interest in the church. Enjoy this last transfer!!